Tuesday, May 12, 2009

i wish they all could be california girls

i've been revisiting my oc dvds and it has been delightfully addictive. i've decided that my summer look is going to be one part marissa cooper and one part rumi neely:

both easy-breezy california girls, but one exudes a youthful charm while the other has a tough edge. combine those two qualities and mix in a monochromatic palette (i plan on sticking to black and white and a little bit of sheer with the occassional neon peek-a-boo) and you've got me this summer. now if only i could stock up on some tough shoes and master my boot harness making skills.

i'm in the midst of a major closet overhaul. i'm selling pretty much half my wardrobe, and what i don't sell is going to be handed down to lucky friends. if i haven't worn it in the past month i just want it out of my sight. today i got a gorgeous vintage white armani top that laces up in the front. i'm already wearing it and i think i will be wearing it everyday for a while. it costs half what i've made from my overhaul so far. next stop will have to be goodwill, and if i make a pretty penny tomorrow maybe forever21. my barneys shopping days are over, man. for now.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

my mind is still at 10:44

aye! i went back on my notion that i would blog more. it's so much easier to just tweet now, ya know? i wish i could picture post but i left my card reader in LA. i'm in vb right now visiting my family. there's nothing on any of the 1000 channels on my sister's tv. and all she has tivo'd are bones and dancing with the stars. and twilight is not out ondemand yet. sux.

totally been missing my baby boo. if he was here we would prob go on walks in the boonies but good thing he's not bc it's been cold and raining nonstop. i went to the wave which was awesome. all the same ppl were there, and none of them have changed, even the music was the same from 2005/6.

i'm leaving for paris on tues. i was really not that into it but now that it's so close i can actually feel myself getting crazy excited, more and more as each moment passes. but i am even more excited about going back to LA. is that lame? i can't help it, i'm just happy there.

Monday, March 02, 2009

montmartre montmartre montmartre!

i'm taking a breather right now. i feel i have been productive enough today, doing actual work at work, taking care of correspondence, etc, etc. right now i had planned on catching up with milan fashion week, but instead i started researching montmartre, where i'll be staying in paris! i'll be in an apartment. i hope it has nice views and my travelmate doesn't mind if i smoke indoors.

anyway about fashion week, i'm sick of it. it used to be the pride and pleasure of my day to insatiably consume each and every collection on style.com, but i can no longer keep up. 75% of the new york shows and 99% of the london shows will have to go unseen, and i'll have to start with a clean slate for milan, which i'm already a few days behind on.

i've been cruising tech and lifestyle trend blogs for research i've been doing at work and have found some cool stuff, but i don't feel like discussing or picture posting at the moment. perhaps i will make more of a habit of it in the near future. i'd like to blog more often. i always wonder how people like susie bubble have the time to do multiple posts a day, considering their day jobs (her's is dazed and confused, i guess that works in her favour as far as fashion blogging goes. not that i want to do a fashion blog. i just want to do a life blog. i will. tomorrow?

if you want, here are some pix of where i'll be:

Tuesday, December 09, 2008


so i went to a swapping party last night and found a demure little scalloped red headband. i happened to be wearing an old lbd that i had custom fitted a long time ago and never wore bc the right opportunity never came along. as soon as i put on that little red headband, i decided that my new style icon would be blair waldorf. i'm over my slutty hobo look. being as poor as i am right now, i need to feel rich and i'm going to achieve that feeling sartorially. i'm saying so long to my jeans and slouchy t-shirts and saying hello to old favourite dresses, capes, and driving gloves. it's time to be a lady again.

i've also cut back on my drinking. i'm turning over a new leaf and living my party life only in moderation now. i want to make it to the top and i'm going to do it by staying low key and dressing impeccably.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

sunday dusk

i think i should get sober. this party life is just not cool anymore, it makes me lay in bed at 4:30 on a sunday afternoon. and i want to sleep but i don't bc i'm afraid of being awake at 4am. there is so much i should do right now but i can't. i just want to be happy. i feel so uninspired and very unenthusiastic about anything in life except watching gossip girl on my computer. i got a gig writing for refinery29 but i don't even have anything to offer bc i just don't care. maybe i should just sleep. and sleep and sleep and sleep. the light of dusk through my blinds is so pretty, but it only lasts for 20 mins.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

lost dog

all signs pointed to no when i went on a trek to get a little bot of vod and some dog food. all roads leading to vons were closed, there must have been some psycho on the loose. i finally got out of the mess and made my way to rite aid but alas it was closed. so i went to my last resort, the ghetto ralphs down pico since it was closest to me at the moment. when i finally got my hands on a $5.99 bottle and some 45cent packets of dog meat, i had to wait in line forever behind a man that had all kinds of probs including the cashier questioning whether or not the check he wrote was actually his. i should have taken this all as a sign not to indulge my alcoholism and to end my longing for the dog that found her way into my yard the other day.

it's a tricky affair. i have no money to pay vet bills, and she hasn't been back here since sunday night. i'd hoped to lure her back tonight with a bowl of food on the porch but i decided she was too precious and needed the good kind. when she comes back she will enjoy a healthy portion of filet mignon.

anyway, she found me at the most incredibly perfect moment. i was on the porch so hopping mad about yet another love gone wrong. she ran to me and we played forever, me squealing in utter delight the whole time. when it was time for me to help make dinner, i asked vanessa if she had ever seen me as happy as i was at that moment, and she said no, went back inside and they all made dinner without me while i hung out with my dream dog. she was on the larger side of small, and had the same coloring as our calico cat. she never once barked, just hopped around and caught the dirty tennis ball i found. then she let me pet her forever and she was so dirty my hand was covered in grey, which makes me think she has been lost for a little while. i tried to woo her in but she was afraid of our cat. she came back twice that night, but i haven't seen her since :(

i know she is meant to be mine, so i will just await her return. when she does come back her name will be francoise, and she'll wear my pink silk paris scarf around her neck.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

nearing the finish line

i have been swamped for the past week! this will all be over tonight and the first thing i'm going to do is paint my nails. here's a vid of what i'm writing about. it's going to be tight.