The actors are bad, the cinematography ill-conceived, the editing rushed, the director an obviously demented sociopath. Don't get me started about the special effects. God help your movie and its "special effects." If an infinite amount of monkeys given an infinite amount of time could randomly punch out Shakespeare then a team of four could probably shit your movie's screenplay out in a night of heavy drinking. The musical score is as ill placed as watermelon and fried chicken at a Klan rally. Seriously, its terrible, and you should feel bad.
Five horrible movies beloved to my generation:
1. American Psycho
2. Boondock Saints
3. Garden State
4. American Beauty
5. Kevin Smith
Take a look at your collection and add some more to the list.
ditto. add ghost world. oh, and matrix reloaded and revolutions. (will keanu never recreate the magic of point break? that makes me sad.)
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