all signs pointed to no when i went on a trek to get a little bot of vod and some dog food. all roads leading to vons were closed, there must have been some psycho on the loose. i finally got out of the mess and made my way to rite aid but alas it was closed. so i went to my last resort, the ghetto ralphs down pico since it was closest to me at the moment. when i finally got my hands on a $5.99 bottle and some 45cent packets of dog meat, i had to wait in line forever behind a man that had all kinds of probs including the cashier questioning whether or not the check he wrote was actually his. i should have taken this all as a sign not to indulge my alcoholism and to end my longing for the dog that found her way into my yard the other day.
it's a tricky affair. i have no money to pay vet bills, and she hasn't been back here since sunday night. i'd hoped to lure her back tonight with a bowl of food on the porch but i decided she was too precious and needed the good kind. when she comes back she will enjoy a healthy portion of filet mignon.
anyway, she found me at the most incredibly perfect moment. i was on the porch so hopping mad about yet another love gone wrong. she ran to me and we played forever, me squealing in utter delight the whole time. when it was time for me to help make dinner, i asked vanessa if she had ever seen me as happy as i was at that moment, and she said no, went back inside and they all made dinner without me while i hung out with my dream dog. she was on the larger side of small, and had the same coloring as our calico cat. she never once barked, just hopped around and caught the dirty tennis ball i found. then she let me pet her forever and she was so dirty my hand was covered in grey, which makes me think she has been lost for a little while. i tried to woo her in but she was afraid of our cat. she came back twice that night, but i haven't seen her since :(
i know she is meant to be mine, so i will just await her return. when she does come back her name will be francoise, and she'll wear my pink silk paris scarf around her neck.