8. Port wine – It makes me feel like I’m a character in “The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie”.
7. Hyperion Tavern – Aside from having guitar-hero Wednesdays and shelves of encyclopedias as walls, this place is just a kickass hangout. They serve 4 kinds of beer and nothing else—and only take cash. It’s a total dive, hidden to the side of a sleepy street in Silver Lake, so it’s not too ‘scene’.
6. French Connection Spring Collection – The colors! The shapes! Oh, the femininity!
5. Trader Joe’s – Puts all other grocery stores to shame.

3. Instead of Hearts – Solo project of my very good friend Meg. Her voice is chilling. Check her out at www.myspace.com/insteadofhearts. She’s also got a rough demo of a song she’s working on with illgill.
2. Barneys Co-Op – This boutique version of the ritzy department store has found a new home at The Grove, and my eyes couldn't possibly be happier. While the pickings are slightly less opulent than the famed Barneys (think Chanel, Balenciaga, YSL), the Co-Op's racks full of See by Chloe, Marc by Marc Jacobs, and Graham & Spencer are nothing short of dreamy and ogle-worthy. Not to mention easier on my credit card (but not really).

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